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Bạn đang ở chuyên mục: THÔNG TIN VIỆC LÀM
Gửi lúc 24/03/2013, 09:33 AM
Chủ đề này đã có 789 lượt đọc và 0 bài trả lời
Thành Viên Cấp: 3
Tham gia: 03:23, 15/03/2013
Bài gửi: 323
Được cảm ơn: 1 lần
Phim Mái Ấm Gia Đình Full Tập - Trọn Bộ 720P Hd Full
Thông tin mua bán Liên Hệ:
Mai Am Gia Dinh – Tap 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-tron bo
Thể loại:Phim Trung Quốc
MA FU (Lau Dan), a retired employee of the HK Correctional Services Department, moved back to live with his son after retirement. MA FU treats and disciplines everyone in his family as if they were the offenders he works with in his job. His youngest son MA CHONG (Chris Lai) feels like he's in jail when he gets home, and his father is even often involved with his job as a paralegal. The father and son get into disputes daily and his elder brother MA KEUNG (Tsui Wing) and his wife LO LAI SEUNG (Yvonne Lam) are often stuck in between and have to settle the disputes. The couple also holds the heavy responsibility of raising their kids. Three generations in the MA family all live together and encounter different situations, experiences and system of values.
Phim Mai Am Gia Dinh
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