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Bạn đang ở chuyên mục: THÔNG TIN VIỆC LÀM
Gửi lúc 19/03/2019, 05:06 PM
Chủ đề này đã có 536 lượt đọc và 0 bài trả lời
Thành Viên Cấp: 1
Tham gia: 04:49, 07/06/2013
Bài gửi: 160
Được cảm ơn: 0 lần
Goose cat Bring me Thanos shirt
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That is how our prophet forgives his enemies. A lot can be learn from this way of thinking. What an incredible man and an amazing Goose Bring me Thanos shirt. I am not sure I could be that forgiving. Peace and love to you. A much better person than I could ever dream to be. May you find peace. Without a doubt, my hero of the year, if only our politicians were as inspiring as him.


He’s establishing a platform to build his grief upon. Very intelligent beginning, hatred is the Goose Bring me Thanos shirt. I admire you. Even the Bible tells us to forgive one another but it’s hard. Maybe your government will use this as a chance to create a new terrorist attack and sticking it with muslims and say they did this for vengeance. How does a person exhibit this much grace? Incredible. The power of forgiveness and love. just like the tragedy of two churches bombing in Surabaya Indonesia last year, they should not be afraid.

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